Waiting can be a blessing! I'll Wait..

Who would ever think that waiting can be a blessing? It's true believe me patiently waiting can be a wonderful change and awesome experience for you . Time and

time again we try to make things happen in our own strength knowing that the thwarted efforts yield minimal if any rewards. 
(Why must we fight against the grain of purpose?)

a. At times we are consumed with making things happen and fit where they don't belong. (When will we learn delay is not denial.)
b. Sometimes we are being protected by God Almighty because he knows we are not ready to receive what we so desire. ( Either we won't appreciate it or we will not know how to handle it.)
c. This could become a distraction if we don't recognize our current position, instead of purposeful living we are inadvertently going in circles.
(This is induced stress which we put upon ourselves to make things happen faster.)

d. Just remember you can't rush or force God's hand to move on your behalf.

How do we learn to yield as we build our character to be able to patiently wait?

a. We must focus on the things which are priority and complete one task at a time.
b. Instead of forcing things to make sense in your limited time frame, How about you yield to some fun while your building your masterpiece.
c. ( Find a hobby, read, exercise or take a class to re allot some of the time you are wasting worrying about the outcome of a situation.)
  • Worrying is a wasted emotion what will be will be, in spite of your cares!
3. I challenge you to try something new. How about you put your faith in God to carry out the plans and purpose for your life. (God has All Power in His Hands, Knows All and See's All)

a. It's not easy to trust in a God in whom you've not seen especially when you are use to doing it all in your own strength. (But it's worth it, I'm a living witness.)
b. God grace is sufficient enough for today's troubles, He'll never let you fail.
c. Settle it in your heart and mind that good things come to those who wait.
  • How about you wait patiently for the promise that is waiting patiently for you to yield?
(Isaiah 40:31 But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with the wings as eagles they shall run, and not be weary and they shall wall and not faint.)


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