Preoccupied with your occupation. Just living

 Are you preoccupied with your current job- or place of employment? Most people are and don't even realize it but they do know they are not happy in their current position but what do they do about?

"You don't have a occupation but a preoccupation" Dr. Myles Munroe. He eloquently elaborates on the difference between having a job and a occupation, there's a big difference. For example, Your ultimate occupation is that level of activity which produces substantial earnings-wealth and brings satisfaction to you and others it's something passionate to you. But being preoccupied in a position is when you are dissatisfied and underpaid in a position with no growth potential or opportunity to succeed. 

After hearing that teaching sermon I took away a lot of knowledge. This is why I'm always in pursuit of purposeful living, you know being a satisfied productive member of society with gainful employment that's fulfilling.
These words are similar but are not the same, they each serve a different purpose. 
Occupy: to engage or employ the mind, energy, or attention of
Occupation: a person's usual or principal work or business, esp. as a means of earning a living; vocation
Preoccupied: completely engrossed in thought; absorbed.

What do we really want an occupation or preoccupation?
  1. Many people are preoccupied with the notion of having a fulfilling position at a certain company, being self employed or winning the lottery. But for many of us it's not just something we dream of it's something we know to be obtainable so we are working towards such success. 
  2. Others are preoccupied with their current position at their job, that they can't rest, have no fulfillment and they are only glad that they bring home a pay check.
  3. Then there are those who are somewhere in the middle occupying time and space not getting anything done, because they are preoccupied with the cares of the world; problems and stress.

I know people want the most out of their lives with everything it has to offer plus they want to be proud of it. But are they willing to do the work, research and go through trials to obtain their goals.
  • There comes a time when you need to exclude anything that hinders you from moving forward. Most times you know exactly what that person, place or thing is, delete it from your life! Why hold on to something detrimental to your life?
  • It's called a release when you can truly let go of something that you hold so dear to you which you think you can't live without. Generally you will experience that feeling of  release when you come to terms with letting go of it.
    Lets Recap: 
    • Most people are preoccupied with their current positions but dissatisfied with the level of growth they've achieve thus far.
    • Then there all those who no matter the cost will obtain their dreams along with success because they are people of vision driven with a plan full of purpose. 
    If you passionately pursue a certain occupation it will yield many rewards when nourished. Remember we are people of special gifts but we must learn to leave those things that preoccupy our time, consciousness and finances that are nonsense. 


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