Use your gifts!! Having talent only helps you win..

It's a simple reality that untapped talents have contributed to lost earnings. Many sit on their God-given ability due to lack of funds, means and direction.

* Is it worth the challenge to pursue your money maker no matter the cost? Of course!
 (You didn't lose your special gift it's just lying dormant?

Win at life by using your talents:
There are some who never even realize that they have a natural ability. I would call it an actual birthright a gift implanted within from the moment of conception. Such talent has to be awakened by some event or tragedy it usually fills a void in your life. Once your gift is discovered you usually have a feeling of freedom and purpose eluding passion from your very being.

Most human beings have at least two innate abilities or talents
* The first gift usually comes to the person noticeably at an early age, without any formal training a child can perform task with little help or no direction the skills just seem to radiate from them without effort.
* The second natural ability may take some training but it seems to be easy for the individual to grasp and horn as their own without stress or sweat. We've all have noticed child prodigies and handicap individual with strong abilities in the performing arts arena, who seem to wow us.
What I've noticed: Even as a young child I displayed strong capabilities in certain fields of studies but I didn't know how to encourage my natural ability, until recent. For some it could become tragic if talents aren't realized early in life and nurtured. Some skill sets aren't realized or perfected until later in life generally it's a summation of many acquired gifts that usually realigns your position and area of focus.
* If your talent is realized early you can convey through many genres, avenues, and various outlets. You can also grow into a wonderful individual who shapes his or her tomorrow by promoting themselves as a marketable product. I know that may sound tacky to call yourself a product but in some form or another we all are either brought or sold at sometime. At least if you are controlling what you sale then you have the power in your hands to shape your destiny.
* Once you know which skills seem to emulate from your possession with ease you could do many things with it. It can become your main means of income.
* Many people suffer from lack of interest in their current jobs because they are going through daily motions of a mundane job which doesn't fit their passion level.
* Most people don't know how to promote themselves and their talent therefore they grow frustrated and lose sight of their God-given talents as a means of residual income.
* There are those who hide their talents because of insecurities, fear, support and lack of funds to promote and pursue their gifting.
Listen up your talent doesn't have to be lost, buried or stolen from you. You can use your gifting to benefit you as you earn income being you, a wonderful individual filled with enormous capabilities that contributes to the world a unique piece of this wonderful puzzle called life.

* Do your research regarding the vocation you so desire. Take a refresher course in the field of study you wish to pursue.
* Market yourself and your ability on every free Internet site. Get the word out about you!!

Use your core influences to help you, many people long to mentor it's how they give something back to others.
* Make your gift unique to your personality.
* Never stop or give up on your dream to become the best at what you love doing for profit.
* Everyday that you do something that doesn't bring you gratifying income you deprive yourself and stifle your earning ability. Your earning potential is limitless.

Imagine getting paid adequately for something you love doing also something that takes little effort because it's a natural ability unlike none other.

Note: This blog entry is a re-post from one of my online articles of under my pen name, CrimsonLore)* Mediocre ability, well developed and properly planted, will produce a larger tree of success than will extraordinary ability, scattered or uncared for. NATHANIEL CLARK FOWLER, Getting a Start


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