
Showing posts from 2017

Health Benefits of Patchouli Essential Oil

Patchouli  is in the mint family part of the plant used is the leaves.. The Greek name is Patchouli with means, "Bearded Thread". It refers to hair middles of the Patchouli flower . Patchouli such a hidden gem of essential oils.  Order today.... This Essential Oil has such wonderful healing, soothing and therapeutic properties. It's an anti-fungal so it helps to reduce and prevent fungal build up and prevents infections.  Patchouli relieves and helps with Depression by releasing tension. It has hormones and produces a chemical reaction in the body.  Has Insecticidal properties which helps repel and kill insects.  Helps Speed Up healing in the body. It's and Astringent so you can use this wonderful essential oil for skincare for such issues as dermatitis, eczema and acne.  Also known as an Aphrodisiac so it can help with low libido and sexual deficiency.  Can als...

Benefits of Peppermint

The studies have been done the reports are out,  Miracle healing properties of Peppermint..   The question is why aren't you using Peppermint Oil? Why wouldn't you choose a healthier alternative that's void of harmful agents, preservatives and contraindications such as over the counter meds. Medicine provides many harmful effects and tend to have addictive side affects or adverse reactions. All Natural herb plant base oils provide many helpful uses for the entire body. Peppermint- Mood enhancer, increases energy and mental alertness. A study in 2008 showed that the aroma of peppermint can control your appetite and calorie intake. **Get yours now Peppermint-essential- *Order Herbal Mint Tea Peppermint essential oil is well known to aid in digestion. It contains menthol well known for it's ability to warm and cool. The menthol is beneficial to the sinuse...

Benefits of Essential Oils (Tea Tree, Aroma Massage and Rosemary Oil)

Everyone wants to know what are Essential Oils. How do they benefit you? Essential Oils are highly concentrated version of natural oils in plants. * Benefits of Essential Oils - Can be therapeutic, use as antioxidant, for anti bacteria, as a antiseptic and many other uses for skin, hair and used internally to aid for healthy organ rejuvenation . Let's get to the core of these 3 featured Essential Oils: Ingredients: Basil, Grapefruit, Spearmint,Cypress, Marjoram, Lavender, Peppermint. Eternity Blend Aroma Therapy' Is deeply relaxing, relieves stress helps balance and restore. The potent combination contains essential oils that deeply penetrate the muscles and give your body and mind a complete wellness experience. ******** Note- blend with a carrier oil prior to topical applications************   Tree Tree Oil known as Melaleuca...

Lead by Example

The Most Powerful leadership tool you have is to lead by example.  -Someone is #watching you. -Always standout because you are in front. -Leadership is an action not a position -Great Leaders Inspire greatness in others -A successful Leader finds the right place for others. -A Good Leader takes a little more share of the blame. As a Leader remember you are not the most important person or most intelligent in the room

On Fire but not burnt Up

Anytime something is burning in your life but doesn't set you on fire it's just trying to get your attention: (Where there is no sacrifice there's no value)  You are just in the furnace of affliction right now.  Hold tight and you will come forth as pure gold. Some people are lost in the fire other people are built in the fire..... People look at sacrificing something as giving something up. But on the contrary it's the ability to let go to receive a much greater reward. Usually when things heat up for individual they run for cover. If you take on the notion that the flame will not burn you then you'll soon realize that the residue left over after the fire is for the refining of purpose only. No one ever obtained Greatness, Prominence and Recognition without having experienced some level of discomfort. Pressure creates diamonds fire refines gold -Real Gold fears no fire but honors the process. Men and Women are tried by adversity, b...

Benefits of Chocolate Sweet Healthy Indulgence

We the Consumer always hear about the bad that comes from indulging in chocolate and sweet snacks. I'm here to promote the good that comes from moderate snacking. Enjoy Many Health benefits of Dark Chocolate: Dark Chocolate is very nutrition and a powerful source of antioxidant Help lower cholesterol Could lower insulin levels Brain function and cognitive behavior Helps with your visions Curbs cravings boost your morale  Gives you extra energy helps lower blood pressure Taste good So the next you have the sweet tooth guilt, don't... Treat yourself to some delicious chocolate. Remember :  Heart Health, Skin Health, Mind Health and your blood flow  can benefit from just a small amount of chocolate goodness. Please Watch my video review on Chocolate Benefits:

I can Help You during Your Cycle "Ladies

" What If I can Help you and educate you regarding Feminine Health?? .... Would you be willing to Listen? Would you be willing to try?   Okay than go with me for this information session: Let's Talk Women's Health! ! 1. Most adolescent girls start there cycle between the ages of 10-15. Normal range of a menstrual cycle last 2-8 days longer if there is a abnormality or problem. 2. Most women continue there feminine cycle until mid forties sometimes to age 60. During the years that women have to cope with their menstrual flow certain unpleasantness may accompany them such as, Headaches, nausea, vomiting, bloating, backache and mild to serve abdominal cramping. Diet, Exercise and Healthy Alternatives exist to Help You not regret that time of the month.  You don't have to be a slave, sick or defeated every month during your cycle. ---Women who experience frequent headaches,vomiting and severe abdominal cramping during their cycle often seek advice, med...

Where is your hustle where is your Grind?...

 Colossian 3:23 Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters There is so much that you Want and so much that you Deserve ... Yet you sit idle and wait for it to just happen for you. Nothing Just happens you have to put forth  Effort . -Time to Rise and Grind !- 1. Focus -   Center Yourself, List Your Goals, Daily check them off one at a time. 2. Action -   Do something that will help your dreams come true. Move towards your pending outcome steady (motion). Do not Stop... 3. Don't Look back - When you look back on what you once did or didn't accomplish it slows you down. Full speed ahead... The Secret is simple everyday you need to put in ( Work )!  You can't get around it---YOU Have to Do Something that Helps Your cause. Utilize YOUR Time well. Stop wasting time and account for Every Minute. Follow the Blueprint of the Pros in the field of expertise of your calling. Watch & Learn. I...

Marked for Greatness/ Warrior Mentality

Are you Marked for Greatness?   When you are marked for greatness you standout and stand up.. Qualities of Greatness : Independence, Prominence, Leadership, distinguished, remarkable, notable and unique. Okay so if the making of someone Great includes being distinguished and remarkable how do you get there ? Those who standout and display greatness are independently  qualified by The Master of All. Recognizable in the crowd, by the crowd and outstanding in more ways then one. The anointing follows through them and  makes them distinguishable by there actions. This world is full of accomplished people adding, creating and making a difference. Examples of Great Men and Women:   Magic Johnson, Mother Teresa, Shaq, Oprah Winfrey, Billy Alsbrooks, Maxine Waters, Martin Luther King, Beyonce, Bill Gates, Serena Williams, Mark Zuckerberg, Maya Angelou, Muhammad Ali, Prince and host of other notable men and women bursting at the seams of wealth and p...

Forgive or not to forgive that's the question

Forgiveness is God's Plan of action to bid you free of turmoil, regret, bitterness and lonliness. To forgive or just forget that is the question. I want to establish that forgetting is not forgiving that soul that once wronged you. Let's just get that straight. Just because you promised to never bring up the incidence that hurt your feelings, embarrassed you or had inflicted damage on your psyche don't mean all is well with you an that individual that harmed you. ** Healing needs to occur.. 1. You need to acknowledge your hurt and address it. 2. Next you need to make a conscious decision to accept what happened, move on from it and figure things out . 3. Ask God to help you through whatever caused you grief induced by someone. 4. Tell that person that you forgive them and try your best not to rehash the situation, Ever! Easier said then done...Time will tell... *When you forgive you grow, so let go and take you power back.  In Order to obt...

Be still, Get Quiet and Absorb life

Be Still-Get Quiet- Listen To You Quiet on the set everybody... . I need a moment to quiet the loudness that resides inside this mind & body. I can't hear when it's too Loud...I must have total silence from loud messiness outside.... Quiet on the set everybody it's time too .... -Mediate -Pray -Plan Gather/ Research  Demonstrate Rehearse it/ Execute Start--Just Do it. Win  I understand how important and beneficial silence is.  The quiet stillness brings clarity  Find yourself revive and rejuvenate Vision becomes clear, decisive and blue prints emerge when inhaling silence. In silence there is peace and restoration. You'll find you can hear the answers you been seeking. Enlarge your borders under the control of the calmness of your bosom .  Get to know yourself better surrender to your uniqueness.  Recreate, reinvent and learn about yourself.  Blessings emerge when you seek your higher self.  ...

Pause, Inhale Exhale and Begin again

You are going to have many many moments in life that cause you to breath deeply, pause, reflect and question your judgement. Just remember as long as you have a chance to start over you'll be alright. 1. Pause when life is throwing all sorts of matter at you. ( Messy situations ) 2. Inhale and Exhale when you can't figure something out to avoid frustration and feelings of defeat. 3. Begin again after you tried and tried . *( C hange directions keep moving) Don't look back. Often times we want to be able to explain why something bad is happening to us when we are doing something good or productive. In all my years of living in this earthly realm, (40'ish ) I can tell you not every situation we find our-self in has a solid answer. Sometimes you are left with questions and guessing. So what that's life!   ➦ Relax, Recover and Go with the Flow  ➦Embrace difficulty don't run from it! Learn this practice of teaching yourself to find your zen &...

Don't Just Be Busy Be Productive

  How Do we remedy the Lack of Focus, Discipline and Lack of Action? In life so many things try to hinder you from moving forward. The most obvious things that get in the way are disguised as busyness. Actual normal occurrences and regular everyday things make it seem like we are productive. But are we really so busy that we fell to be productive- without producing and making things happen in our life? Acknowledge that you have a problem and you have been spinning your wheels.  After confronting the issue you have to prioritize . To lessen the busyness that surrounds you. Get Organized and have fun doing . ( Yard sales, Give a ways and Donations are an awesome way to clean house and uncover what's been hidden )   Take action to help your current non productive state. Act upon your new challenges Build a Door then Walk through it . -Start sometime new then stick with it until completion.* Not everything comes easy or is handed to you by someone.  ...

How to make Eucalyptus oil bug repellent Review. Off bug Spray & Wrist ba...

The health   benefits of eucalyptus oil   are well-known and wide-ranging, and its properties include being an anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, decongestant, deodorant, antiseptic, antibacterial, stimulating, and other medicinal qualities.   Eucalyptus   essential   oil   is colorless and has a distinctive taste and odor.

Find your funny, where is it???

It's not easy to find your funny in a world full of chaos, disasters, depression and uncertainty. -- Somewhere deep within resides your funny, laughter and unexplained joy.- Let's Find it! How do you find your funny?  Where is the laughter that seems to be silenced and drowning? If you are in this wandering state where nothing seems to bring you joy or leads to laughter then you need to find your funny. Take actions now before you get stuck or think and walk as if you are bound in gloom and doom. ( It's Only an illusion ) -You are who you think you are. Don't take life so seriously learn to laugh at your mistakes, you're human. Exercise caution when dealing with sensitive situations but still find humor.     If you want to live free you might have to fight before you laugh again . 1. Plan to do something that will bring you joy. - ( Go see a Comedy show ) 2. Step outside of your normal comfort zone .-(Dress Up in a funny costume) 3. Confront the e...

Super-foods: Super Salad Quick delicious healthy Ingredients

Image  - Watch me prepare a quick on the go recipe bone'appetit. "Veggies, Berries, Fruit and Water. Oh my!"  Super Food- a nutrient-rich food considered to be especially beneficial for health and well-being. Theses natural ingredients give me life and help me sustain efficiently. There are so many easy ways to introduce yourself to healthy eating. Super Foods: Here are some healthy ingredients f ull of great nutrients:   Antioxidants  -         Berries and Almonds Detox Foods-           Garlic, Turmeric & Cabbage Minerals-                  Nuts, Beans and Leafy greens Potassium -               Beans, Apricots and Banana's Omega 3's-               Navy beans, Salmon, Spinach & Walnuts Cancer fighting agents-  Berries, Broccoli and ...

Inspired by My Roots, I am not my hair!!

So I was recently inspired by my roots. From the kinky nappy roots of the hair on top of my head I had an epiphany.  I had to come to the place where I realize that I am much deeper then surface, face, body, Hair and human. I am not my hair!   Upon this journey of self discovery I learned a lot about my self, my worth, my value and  how I see myself.  Who knew deciding to wear my hair naturally curly would invoke a deep change, knowledge and awareness. 1. I am Super Natural with an emphasis on Natural. Formed from the dust born onto this earth with the breath of God soaring through my being. 2. Secondly I am not a hallow shell encapsulated by skin, bones, muscle, veins, blood and the whole anatomy. I am a Spirit being shining bright. I found me beneath the sea of weave, texture and perms. This lady wasn't just learning about her hair, the thickness, how to nurture her roots for me it's self  discovery. I'm so in tune w...