Where is your hustle where is your Grind?...

 Colossian 3:23Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters

There is so much that you Want and so much that you Deserve... Yet you sit idle and wait for it to just happen for you. Nothing Just happens you have to put forth  Effort.-Time to Rise and Grind!-

1. Focus-  Center Yourself, List Your Goals, Daily check them off one at a time.
2. Action-  Do something that will help your dreams come true. Move towards your pending outcome steady (motion). Do not Stop...
3. Don't Look back- When you look back on what you once did or didn't accomplish it slows you down. Full speed ahead...
The Secret is simple everyday you need to put in (Work)!
  •  You can't get around it---YOU Have to Do Something that Helps Your cause.
  • Utilize YOUR Time well. Stop wasting time and account for Every Minute.
  • Follow the Blueprint of the Pros in the field of expertise of your calling. Watch & Learn.
  • In Due time until then Hustle and Grind
Implement quotes that speak to your situation:

“The dream is free. The hustle is sold separately.” – Unknown
"Discipline is the bridge between Goals and accomplishments"

"Hustle until  Your Haters ask if you are Hiring"

I'd Rather Grind for it then ask for it!!

"Hustle Until You no longer have to introduce yourself"


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