Seeking the extreme pleasures, are you?

Maybe it's time you-stop going to the extremes to please yourself with temporary pleasures. How about you go to the Ultimate P leaser,  'God', for lasting peace and pleasure? It never ceases to amaze me how far some will go for fulfillment to the point of becoming broke, addicted and sick because of not having any boundaries.

Are you someone who insists on living on the edge no matter what the cost?
  • There are those who will do anything for pleasure or gratification. 
  • They will neglect those they seemingly love to indulge in the pleasurable things of life. Such as porn, entertainment, drugs/alcohol, sports, food, vanity and clothing.
  • If this person is you ask yourself if gratifying yourself is worth it? Is the pleasure beneficial to you.
We all like to enjoy pleasurable things from time to time. Everything in this life is for our enjoyment but with a measure of balance to keep us safe and stable. 
  • Proverbs 11:1- A false balance is abomination to the LORD: but a just weight is his delight.
  • Eccl: 5:18 Behold that which I have seen: it is good and comely for one to eat and to drink, and to enjoy the good of all his labor that he taketh under the sun all the days of his life, which God giveth him: for it is his portion.
I've given you biblical passages to backup that's it's good for us to enjoy and have fun. There's many reasons why simple pleasures can be distorted to the point of perversion. Unfortunately too many people have the power to control what we see and what we listen to on a daily basis. Some of those that are in control are very unscrupulous and greed leads them to do whatever they have to in order to stay on top so they could careless how imaging affects you.

So we must make sure to guard our hearts and minds of foul material that could ultimately lead to our destruction or demise because of pleasure pursuits.

How do we keep it balanced our life that is?
  • Start to manage your time, sort through the good and bad of your daily routine and then realign your focus in regards to what's truly important to you.
  • Set time aside for family and functions.
  • Give yourself some breathing room, read, mediate, plan a trip and finally do something for you instead of just helping others.
  • Those extreme pleasures which you indulge in, realize that you don't need them. They are just a crutch for you to feel like you are alive a temporary boost for you.
  • Realize you are a human being not supernatural and will fall because you have faults. That's o.k, pick yourself up and dust yourself off after you have made a mistake don't wallow in the shame.
Biblical Reference:
Matthew 6:33 "Seek first the Kingdom of God and his righteous and all things will be added unto you."
 It's not that God doesn't want us to enjoy the pleasures of this world but it's all within moderation.


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