Inspired and Challenged to Change...Me

Inspired: aroused, animated, or imbued with the spirit to do something, by or as if by supernatural or divine influence. (ref:
There are many things that inspire me such as people, places and things I've encountered along my journey. Lately it's been regular people who do extra things to make other people lives worth living and those who impact our future in a positive way.
People make the world go round and make it a very interesting place to dwell. 
  • I am easily encouraged by anyone who loves to encourage, motivate and teach others without wanting anything in return. (Unselfish contributions to humanity, priceless!)
  • It's wonderful once you realize we are all connected in some form, the realization brings enlightenment and eternal change.
  • Inspiration can come in many forms. It's powerful when it comes from a live individual who you've never even met or even spoken to. Today I came in contact with such a person, a sixteen year old who is a motivational speaker. To say I was impressed is an understatement

If being inspired means being influenced to do something then I've definitely been compelled! I don't know about you but I feel empowered to dare, to dream, to react, to challenge and to create something that only I can. Why? Because it hasn't been done before because I haven't revealed it yet? Somethings will only come into existence once you birth it, create it, make it, write it or produce it!

Is there something that you have yet to design or make?
As unique individuals we have the ability to create because that's how the Creator made us inventive and innovative.
  • Aren't you inspired- compelled or challenged to do something? If yes then do it! Deep down inside we all want to leave our mark on this earth long after we are gone, it's called a legacy!
Warning: If nothing has inspired you or challenged you as of late then I would venture to say you are hanging around the wrong people and ingesting the wrong things. Something should motivate you to do more than what you currently do on a daily basis. We all have room for improvement, growth and advancement in our lives.
Today, I was inspired to do more than I've been doing in order to get to where I need to go. God used a minor someone who I may never meet to influence and encourage my pathway of purpose. I hope these words I write are not only inspirational but influential enough to push you into your passionate embrace of discovery.  It's a point of no return that will influence you as well as others, so be inspired and challenged!
Faith "Inspirations" Silver- earrings Whatever you need to get through.


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