
Showing posts from August, 2010

Influence Someone

'Be a light for those who only see and feel darkness' SHINE** From the time you were a toddler you began to influence people and you were easily influenced by people and your surroundings. Thus this begun your journey of discovery, influence and molding for this rewarding life.  Anytime you meet someone for the first time it may be your last meeting, so make a lasting impression of goodness and of great influence. Influence: the capacity or power of persons or things to be a compelling force on or produce effects on the actions, behavior,opinions, etc., of others (  When you meet someone they see you as a direct reflection of your parents, God and your upbringing. (Think about that!) I don't care how old you are you have the power within your grasp to shape this world and the state of things.  Think about how you've been influenced by the many people who have floated in and out of your life.  So many reasons why people wand...

Seeking the extreme pleasures, are you?

Maybe it's time you-stop going to the extremes to please yourself with temporary pleasures. How about you go to the Ultimate P leaser,  'God', for lasting peace and pleasure? It never ceases to amaze me how far some will go for fulfillment to the point of becoming broke, addicted and sick because of not having any boundaries. Are you someone who insists on living on the edge no matter what the cost? There are those who will do anything for pleasure or gratification.  They will neglect those they seemingly love to indulge in the pleasurable things of life. Such as porn, entertainment, drugs/alcohol, sports, food, vanity and clothing. If this person is you ask yourself if gratifying yourself is worth it? Is the pleasure beneficial to you. We all like to enjoy pleasurable things from time to time.  Everything in this life is for our enjoyment but with a measure of balance to keep us safe and stable.  Proverbs 11:1-  A false balance is abominati...

What do you crave?

  Is it food, drugs, wisdom, sleep/rest, peace, Gods presence or chaos? Whether you have asked yourself this question or not you do crave something on a regular basis. It's almost as near to you as the air you breathe, you may not even notice it but trust me those closest to you know. Where do you fit?   Maybe you are like me, you crave and desire to be more like Christ! It's an innate desire to please the Lord and accomplish what you where sent to earth to do. Are you the one who awakes daily thinking of food the succulent taste and favors of your favorite appetizers, desserts, fruits and main dishes.  ( You think of food almost every minute of the day .) Maybe you're  that person who uses substance abuse to get through the day. You know alcoholic beverages that refresh your spirit or illegal drugs that dull your senses and delays the reality of real life. Could you possibly be that individual who is a techno junkie...

Inspired and Challenged to Change...Me

Inspired: aroused, animated, or imbued with the spirit to do something, by or as if by supernatural or divine influence . (ref: There are many things that inspire me such as people, places and things I've encountered along my journey. Lately it's been regular people who do extra things to make other people lives worth living and those who impact our future in a positive way.     People make the world go round and make it a very interesting place to dwell.  I am easily encouraged by anyone who loves to encourage, motivate and teach others without wanting anything in return. ( Unselfish contributions to humanity, priceless! ) It's wonderful once you realize we are all connected in some form, the realization brings enlightenment and eternal change. Inspiration can come in many forms. It's powerful when it comes from a live individual who you've never even met or even spoken to. Today I came in contact with such a person, a s...

Do you have sense of urgency or Complacency?

Urgent:  You should feel a sense of urgency when you are on the brink of greatness!  What are you expecting?  There should be a deep urgency within you to complete some task and a push to execute it When you are expecting: The feeling of being unstoppable and unbeatable will take control over you. ( I t's something you have do. You won't be satisfied until you have finished what you set out to do.) You'll no longer reason yourself out of the promise or prize awaiting you, you just accept the truth. You're the person with so much self- confidence that even those that are close to you are amazed at your power, presence and tenacity. ( Those watching you like the change, encourage the growth and are fascinated with your progress.) When you are on the brink of greatness you're focused and driven by your passion which is just the push you need! In critical times such as these we need to expect goodness but sometimes hindrances pop up!...

When You think you can't- You can!

I don't care who you are, we all have those moments when we sit idle waiting for something to happen on our behalf. Not because we can't challenge ourselves to make it happen but sometimes we just don't have the get up and go to complete a certain task.  It's usually because there's some stumbling block in our way! Is this you? Why is it that we think we can't when we can?  Maybe because something so disappointing has happened to you that this becomes a set back for you. Or maybe you're struck spinning your wheels without moving forward you are frustrated with yourself but don't know how to get out of  a rut? Was it that someone told you, that you couldn't accomplish or do something before you even tried? Is it that you lack of confidence in your ability to accomplish, complete or carry out a purpose or plan? Maybe you've tried a similar task before and you weren't successful so this time you didn't even try?  Don't sell you...