
Showing posts from September, 2017

Be still, Get Quiet and Absorb life

Be Still-Get Quiet- Listen To You Quiet on the set everybody... . I need a moment to quiet the loudness that resides inside this mind & body. I can't hear when it's too Loud...I must have total silence from loud messiness outside.... Quiet on the set everybody it's time too .... -Mediate -Pray -Plan Gather/ Research  Demonstrate Rehearse it/ Execute Start--Just Do it. Win  I understand how important and beneficial silence is.  The quiet stillness brings clarity  Find yourself revive and rejuvenate Vision becomes clear, decisive and blue prints emerge when inhaling silence. In silence there is peace and restoration. You'll find you can hear the answers you been seeking. Enlarge your borders under the control of the calmness of your bosom .  Get to know yourself better surrender to your uniqueness.  Recreate, reinvent and learn about yourself.  Blessings emerge when you seek your higher self.  ...

Pause, Inhale Exhale and Begin again

You are going to have many many moments in life that cause you to breath deeply, pause, reflect and question your judgement. Just remember as long as you have a chance to start over you'll be alright. 1. Pause when life is throwing all sorts of matter at you. ( Messy situations ) 2. Inhale and Exhale when you can't figure something out to avoid frustration and feelings of defeat. 3. Begin again after you tried and tried . *( C hange directions keep moving) Don't look back. Often times we want to be able to explain why something bad is happening to us when we are doing something good or productive. In all my years of living in this earthly realm, (40'ish ) I can tell you not every situation we find our-self in has a solid answer. Sometimes you are left with questions and guessing. So what that's life!   ➦ Relax, Recover and Go with the Flow  ➦Embrace difficulty don't run from it! Learn this practice of teaching yourself to find your zen &...

Don't Just Be Busy Be Productive

  How Do we remedy the Lack of Focus, Discipline and Lack of Action? In life so many things try to hinder you from moving forward. The most obvious things that get in the way are disguised as busyness. Actual normal occurrences and regular everyday things make it seem like we are productive. But are we really so busy that we fell to be productive- without producing and making things happen in our life? Acknowledge that you have a problem and you have been spinning your wheels.  After confronting the issue you have to prioritize . To lessen the busyness that surrounds you. Get Organized and have fun doing . ( Yard sales, Give a ways and Donations are an awesome way to clean house and uncover what's been hidden )   Take action to help your current non productive state. Act upon your new challenges Build a Door then Walk through it . -Start sometime new then stick with it until completion.* Not everything comes easy or is handed to you by someone.  ...

How to make Eucalyptus oil bug repellent Review. Off bug Spray & Wrist ba...

The health   benefits of eucalyptus oil   are well-known and wide-ranging, and its properties include being an anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, decongestant, deodorant, antiseptic, antibacterial, stimulating, and other medicinal qualities.   Eucalyptus   essential   oil   is colorless and has a distinctive taste and odor.

Find your funny, where is it???

It's not easy to find your funny in a world full of chaos, disasters, depression and uncertainty. -- Somewhere deep within resides your funny, laughter and unexplained joy.- Let's Find it! How do you find your funny?  Where is the laughter that seems to be silenced and drowning? If you are in this wandering state where nothing seems to bring you joy or leads to laughter then you need to find your funny. Take actions now before you get stuck or think and walk as if you are bound in gloom and doom. ( It's Only an illusion ) -You are who you think you are. Don't take life so seriously learn to laugh at your mistakes, you're human. Exercise caution when dealing with sensitive situations but still find humor.     If you want to live free you might have to fight before you laugh again . 1. Plan to do something that will bring you joy. - ( Go see a Comedy show ) 2. Step outside of your normal comfort zone .-(Dress Up in a funny costume) 3. Confront the e...

Super-foods: Super Salad Quick delicious healthy Ingredients

Image  - Watch me prepare a quick on the go recipe bone'appetit. "Veggies, Berries, Fruit and Water. Oh my!"  Super Food- a nutrient-rich food considered to be especially beneficial for health and well-being. Theses natural ingredients give me life and help me sustain efficiently. There are so many easy ways to introduce yourself to healthy eating. Super Foods: Here are some healthy ingredients f ull of great nutrients:   Antioxidants  -         Berries and Almonds Detox Foods-           Garlic, Turmeric & Cabbage Minerals-                  Nuts, Beans and Leafy greens Potassium -               Beans, Apricots and Banana's Omega 3's-               Navy beans, Salmon, Spinach & Walnuts Cancer fighting agents-  Berries, Broccoli and ...

Inspired by My Roots, I am not my hair!!

So I was recently inspired by my roots. From the kinky nappy roots of the hair on top of my head I had an epiphany.  I had to come to the place where I realize that I am much deeper then surface, face, body, Hair and human. I am not my hair!   Upon this journey of self discovery I learned a lot about my self, my worth, my value and  how I see myself.  Who knew deciding to wear my hair naturally curly would invoke a deep change, knowledge and awareness. 1. I am Super Natural with an emphasis on Natural. Formed from the dust born onto this earth with the breath of God soaring through my being. 2. Secondly I am not a hallow shell encapsulated by skin, bones, muscle, veins, blood and the whole anatomy. I am a Spirit being shining bright. I found me beneath the sea of weave, texture and perms. This lady wasn't just learning about her hair, the thickness, how to nurture her roots for me it's self  discovery. I'm so in tune w...