Recharge and Restart again Train Yourself

Recharge, Reload and Restart again as many times as it takes...

Are you tired of feeling stagnate, struck or lacking in reaching your full potential? If the answer is yes then try this one simple principle to help you push passionately into your goal.
If you don't take time out for yourself you will bottom out!
Quote of the day: 
"Nothing is so fatiguing as the eternal hanging on of an uncompleted task."- William James

Train yourself to be still, listen and then react in order to bloom later.
One hour per day- try putting something down that has been trivial to you or that has been a form of distraction.
In order to change you must realize that change begins with you doing something different.
Learn and be determine to replace procrastination with dedication. Remember: Procrastination, complacency, excuses and distractions aren't your friend!
Put something down that's serves no major role in your life at this time.
Example: If you want to write or publish the next great novel try writing a page a day for the next year. The outcome will be phenomenal. How do I know? I did it! It works before I new it I had completed my first novel within one year time. Some days I would spend more than one hour because once you gain momentum the fire is lit under you and nothing can stop your progress.

Assignment: (Recharge your batteries when you are overwhelmed)
Rededicate yourself today to challenging yourself to take one hour a day to accomplishment some uncompleted task. Take back your control become powerful.

Biblical Principle: (Proverbs 12:24) Diligent hands will rule, but laziness ends in slave labor. Aren't you tired of feeling like a slave, unappreciative and of no value? Find your worth and live it!
(Proverbs 13:4) The Sluggard craves and gets nothing, but the desires of the diligent are fully satisfied!
  • Listen up-it's time to be fully satisfied time to accomplish goals, reach your dreams and get that passion back! When I need to unwind and let the passionate juices flow I sip on tea which relaxes me and gives good insight. Passion Flower Tea Herbal
Final thought: Action Speaks it's time to put actions to the words you speak begin again and realize this time you'll win.



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