Recharge, Reload and Restart again as many times as it takes... Are you tired of feeling stagnate, struck or lacking in reaching your full potential? If the answer is yes then try this one simple principle to help you push passionately into your goal. If you don't take time out for yourself you will bottom out! Quote of the day: "Nothing is so fatiguing as the eternal hanging on of an uncompleted task."- William James Train yourself to be still, listen and then react in order to bloom later. One hour per day- try putting something down that has been trivial to you or that has been a form of distraction. In order to change you must realize that change begins with you doing something different. Learn and be determine to replace procrastination with dedication . Remember: Procrastination, complacency, excuses and distractions aren't your friend! Put something down that's serves no major role in your life at this time. Example: If you want t...
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