
Showing posts from September, 2016

Refreshing Rain

Liquid Drops of Beautification  Quote: "Gentle mist trickles down my cheek moisture touch my eyelids and what do I see, Rain sweet rain descending upon me. The clouds above do not dare display what the day will bring".- Michelle Adam Rain : water that falls in drops from clouds in the sky. Rain Helps the Flowers to Grow and Trees to flourish; It feeds and refreshes It causes Hydration of the earth Rain also is liquid nourishment for the animals that roam free.  Rain is Necessary for Human Existence   How do you feel when you awake and it's raining?   I awake this day smiling after I notice the sound of rushing rain. Rain has always soothe me and kept me calm. I don't know about you but I am not one that hates when water starts to flow from heaven. I look at rain as liquid sunshine or a sign of a cleansing for the world .  Without Rain this land would be Desolate dry and would have no abunda...

Profitable Passions

We All Have Gifts That We Can Turn Into A Profitable Income Do you have a strong urge or desire to start a business? What's inside of you that so desperately needs to come out? (Don't be afraid to share yourself, your gifts, your talents with the world!)   When you hold back, the world misses out! Your Talent and gifts are not just for you Do your research. Learn, Implement, and Consistently Practice. Pray Often regarding Your Goals. Devise Your Business Plan. Start Small. Choose a Mentor. View Expert Videos and Implement the Lessons. Obtain the Tools Required. Follow through and Never Give Up! Here are just a few examples of proven small businesses that provide above average income levels. Allow your Passion to become your purpose and one day it will yield you products of unlimited quantity and quality. 1. Crafts:  Creating and designing original artistry like clothing, artwork, sculptures, carpentry and woodwork 2 . Book Writing:  Write ...