Recognize your weaknesses
Recognize and confront your weaknesses not later but now. Quote of the day: " The Acknowledgement of our weakness is the first step in repairing our loss." - Thomas a Kempis We all have areas where we lack, are vulnerable or unskilled in. Some fail to realize how important it is to confront their imperfections in order to improve. .When you decide it's essential for your own maturity then you'll except this challenge to admit, confront and challenge your weak areas. It's been said many times , "What doesn't kill you will eventually make you stronger". This is a true statement. There have been many times I felt incapable of handling a task or thought something was too hard for me but in the end the outcome made me stronger. Once you recognize you are weak in some areas, you’ll see yourself differently after admitting truth frustration will leave you. Confront your need for help it symbolizes growth. Strength lies in ...